We don’t provide hygiene products
We provide pest-free stables
With the pest control program you don’t just get hygiene products to get rid of all pests present at your company. This program consists of application, coaching, service, monitoring and products. We provide you with the right tools and guide you to prevent pests from entering the company. Together with basic hygiene measures and protocols this program will make sure (re)contamination can’t take place by pests from both inside as outside.
This program consists of:

With HyCare we strive for the highest level of hygiene in the livestock industry. With MS Schippers as supplier and producer of hygiene products, HyCare has the perfect hygiene partner. MS Schippers has been developing hygiene products especially for the professional livestock industry for over 50 years. All products for the optimal biosecurity program can be found at the webshop of MS Schippers.

Creating a pest free environment is easier than ever with the Pest control program. Pest control often takes a lot of time, especially if there are already problems. By using the right protocols, products and information you keep your company free of vermin. When you choose to join this program, our specialists will create a complete pest prevention plan, specified for your company.

In the start-up phase of this program our HyCare specialists will work closely with you and your staff to draw up a company-specific plan. This plan is then fully implemented by our Pest Prevention specialists. The operation of the various prevention methods will also be explained so all employees understand the effect of proper pest prevention.

In order to be able to serve you even more effectively, a personal system has been developed where the pest prevention plan can be made to measure. This allows you to see all details of the prevention plan, the logbook and all findings at a glance. Within this system we also offer the possibility of barcode scanning. We provide each decoy box with a unique barcode. During our checks, these decoy boxes are scanned and the results are immediately available to you online. As a result, you always have an insight into the current situation.

Our digital platform is the core of our services. You can reach specialists and customer service colleagues, order your products and collect information on your dashboards. There is also a team of specialists available to service you on the road and help you with the products and services we offer.

With HyCare we strive for the highest level of hygiene in the livestock industry. With MS Schippers as supplier and producer of hygiene products, HyCare has the perfect hygiene partner. MS Schippers has been developing hygiene products especially for the professional livestock industry for over 50 years. All products for the optimal biosecurity program can be found at the webshop of MS Schippers.

Creating a pest free environment is easier than ever with the Pest control program. Pest control often takes a lot of time, especially if there are already problems. By using the right protocols, products and information you keep your company free of vermin. When you choose to join this program, our specialists will create a complete pest prevention plan, specified for your company.

In the start-up phase of this program our HyCare specialists will work closely with you and your staff to draw up a company-specific plan. This plan is then fully implemented by our Pest Prevention specialists. The operation of the various prevention methods will also be explained so all employees understand the effect of proper pest prevention.

In order to be able to serve you even more effectively, a personal system has been developed where the pest prevention plan can be made to measure. This allows you to see all details of the prevention plan, the logbook and all findings at a glance. Within this system we also offer the possibility of barcode scanning. We provide each decoy box with a unique barcode. During our checks, these decoy boxes are scanned and the results are immediately available to you online. As a result, you always have an insight into the current situation.

Our digital platform is the core of our services. You can reach specialists and customer service colleagues, order your products and collect information on your dashboards. There is also a team of specialists available to service you on the road and help you with the products and services we offer.

“Since the start with HyCare, the growth rates have increased enormously and we get our broilers up to slaughter weight faster.”
Rick Bakker
Operational manager
Cleaning & Disinfection programClean drinkingwater programClean watersource programCoccidiose reduction programHealth support programOptimal biosecurity programOrganic pest programPest Control ProgramPore-free surfaces programSalmonella control program
It’s a proven method
The pest control program has already been applied on many farms by our regular partner APC. APC is multi-purpose certified and has several quality marks related to pest control such as: The Quality Mark Pest Management Companies (KPMB), the KPMB IPM Rat Management, the IKB and Skal Bio control.
They also have a NEN 4400-1 standard. With these quality marks and registrations they can offer every farmer a quality guarantee in fly control, rodent control (rats and mice) and bird control.

- Less than 10 germs/liter
- 10 % better growth
- Less death